Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hello All!!

Here we are starting the beginning of spring and much has happened in Gracie's life. She has grown to become very attached to her Mommy, Daddy and brother. It is hard to believe she has only been with us for 81/2 months, it seems a lifetime. She still has that great personality we have all enjoyed. She does have a tendency to be alittle lazy. She will try to have us hold her cup while she drinks and will not( I repeat) will NOT stand up when we let go of her hands. That big booty of hers plops down right on the ground. She will walk around furniture and use her toys to push around but as for walking or standing on her own, NO WAY!!! We are happy she does not weigh a ton since we have to carry her alot. She loves her stroller and her new bike seat we bought her and used over the past weekend for the first time. The helmet could go in the garbage if it was up to Gracie, but she knows it must be worn if the bike ride is going to happen. Logan always finds new ways to torment his sister. He shows his love in different ways. There are moments when a hug and kiss is used and othere moments when he picks her up and tries to gentle wrestle with her until she starts to throw her fit. That is right Gracie is now throwing fits when she does like what is happening to her, weather it be when Logan is bothering her or when Mommy or Daddy are telling her NO!! She has picked up the "point your finger" and say NO gesture from Mommy and Daddy. It is so funny to see her use it on her bother. We are looking forward to getting her outside this summer and showing her new things. We put her on the slid and she loved it, wanting to do it over and over. Logan only has 30 more school days left and is looking forward to beginning her summer vacation. Baseball season starts soon and we can't wait to watch him play this year. This is the first year he will be pitched to by another player and not his coach, alittle scary. He is going to attempt to be one of the pitchers on his team, I hope he does not hit too many players.

Here are more accomplishments, adventures and milestones for Gracie

--Completed Baby Sign Language class(hope to use it soon)

--One year old immunizations 3/03/08

--One year old picture taken 3/6/08 (one month late, bad mommy)

--Easter egg hunt at Forsyth Park, met the Easter Bunny 3/22/08

-- Easter egg hunt at home and dinner at Aunt Susie's and Uncle Kevin's house3/23/08

--Saying Da,Da, Ma,Ma, No, night, night,

--Knows where her nose and ears are

--Still eating baby food due to NO TEETH!! Where are they????

--Possible spotted one tooth coming in, bottom left.(she hates to have us check her mouth)4/08/08

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